A Completely Unbiased (LOL) Case for Hiring a Designer
Oh hi there! So glad you stopped by. Isn’t this bedroom beautiful?! It’s also colorful, fun, and quirky, just like my clients wanted it to be. Keep reading to learn about how you too can have the bedroom or living room or any other room of your dreams! (And see if you can spot the T-rex sculpture that was on their “must have” list. Such a fun project! )

An Ode to Family Heirlooms and Sentimentality
Have you ever thought about hiring a designer, but then worried that they might take one look at your home and insist that you trash all of your treasured family heirlooms just because they’re not totally on-trend? Well guess what. Those designers might be out there somewhere, but I’m definitely not one of them.

New House? 4 Tips to Consider Before You Start Piling Furniture into Your Online Cart
Hello there! I’m so glad that you’ve found your way to my inaugural blog post. Today we’re going to chat about a topic that’s near and dear to my heart: namely, “how on earth to tackle furnishing and decorating your first house after years (or decades!) of living in tiny apartments.” How’s that for a descriptive introduction?!